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IPL - CONNECT Chapter Bylaws

  • Avoid sharing political, religious, or forwarded content.

  • Please refrain from sending good morning or other greeting messages.

  • Each category permits the addition of only one person to our group.

  • We do not commit to any financial obligations.

  • Kindly avoid forwarding charity requests.

  • Prior permission from the Board of Directors is required to add a new member.

  • Inactive members or those who fail to provide referrals or support to group members will be removed.

  • If a member fails to attend 2 meetings continuously or 3 meetings in 6 months, their business category becomes available, allowing a new member to join.

  • Members can discuss and promote only their business within their assigned category in IPL - CONNECT.

  • New members can join IPL - CONNECT by invitation from existing members.

  • The new membership scrutiny process has a waiting period of 24 hours.

  • IPL - CONNECT Membership remains valid for 12 months from the joining date. To continue, renew by paying the annual membership subscription dues.

  • Attend the meeting at sharp 7:00 pm, always in proper formal wear.

  • Never post any personal announcements, group calls, group voice chat, and any other discussions without the prior approval of the Board of Directors.

  • We hold 2 offline meetings every month, on the second and last week, as per the convenience of chapter members.

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Let us together connect a secure future

The IPL-CONNECT team is there to assist you at every stage of the simple procedure.

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